American Academy of Paediatrics changed its stance, taken in 1999, that the risks of circumcising infants outweighed benefits. Now it recommends that the procedure be covered by insurance (though it stops short of backing routine circumcision of babies). The shift came after research showed that circumcision reduces the risk of urinary-tract infections in the baby’s first year, giving a medical reason for carrying it out as early as possible. In addition, the academy reckons that for every 909 circumcisions one man will be spared penile cancer. In sexually active males, it cuts the transmission of HIV; of HPV (viruses that cause cervical cancer); and of other infections. Furthermore, the research found no harmful effect on male sexual function or satisfaction.
Artículos de interés.
Hayashi Y, Kohri K.
Int J Urol. 2013 Apr 9. doi: 10.1111/iju.12154. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID:23573952
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