martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Torsión testicular: uso de AINES

Meloxicam seems to exert its inhibitory effect on the expression of specific genes of inflammation, as well as the combination therapy. Because the effects of these inflammatory genes are still evident 4 days after detorsion, combination therapy using these agents could be administered until late postoperative period to prevent the initiation of autoimmune activity against sperm cells and protect the innocent contralateral testis from the insult of antisperm antibodies. UROLOGY 78: 164–169,
2011. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Es beneficio usar un antiinflamatorio no esteroidal (meloxicam) ara evitar el daño testicular contralateral, después del tratamiento de destorsión.
Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Testicular Torsion: Do They Deserve Intensive Treatment to Save Both Guilty and Innocent Testes?
Pages 164-169

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